
Ensembl Variant Lookup

Ensembl Variant Lookup provides a web-based graphical interface, allowing users to retrieve information about genetic variants based on their Reference SNP ID (RSID). This application integrates with the Ensembl Variant API to provide detailed variant information.


Ensembl Variant Lookup is a Python tool built with Flask that allows users to query and retrieve information about genetic variants from the Ensembl database. It provides a user-friendly interface for searching individual variants, batch queries, and exploring gene regions. The tool is designed to streamline the retrieval of essential genetic variant data, making it a valuable resource for genomics research and exploration.


Simplified illustration at high-level of API exposed in thie application, it includes all the API endpoints in the diagram:

graph TD
  A[User's Browser] -->|GET /| B[Flask Application]
  B -->|GET /| C[Render index.html]
  C -->|Form Submission| D[Flask Application]
  D -->|POST /batch| E[Render batch_results.html]
  C -->|Form Submission| F[Flask Application]
  F -->|POST /visualize| G[Render visualization.html]
  C -->|Form Submission| H[Flask Application]
  H -->|POST /variant| I[Render variant_results.html]
  C -->|GET /gene_region| J[Flask Application]
  J -->|GET /gene_region| K[Render gene_region_results.html]

This flowchart now includes the following API endpoints:


Use pip to install the Ensembl Variant Lookup package.

pip install ensembl-variant-lookup


  1. Run the Application:


    This command starts the Flask development server, and you can access the application at http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.

  2. Access the Web Interface:

    Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 to use the Ensembl Variant Lookup tool.

  3. Single Variant Lookup:

    • Enter a specific RSID in the provided form.
    • Click the “Fetch Variant” button to retrieve detailed information for the specified genetic variant.
  4. Batch Variant Lookup:

    • Enter a list of RSIDs (comma-separated) in the batch search form.
    • Click the “Batch Search” button to obtain information for multiple variants simultaneously.
  5. Gene Lookup:

    • Enter the gene name in the gene lookup form.
    • Click the “Fetch Gene Info” button to retrieve details about the specified gene.



Caption 1: Screenshot of the Home Page.

Single Variant Lookup

Caption 2: Screenshot of the Single Variant Lookup interface.

Batch Variant Lookup

Caption 3: Screenshot of the Batch Variant Lookup interface.

Gene Lookup

Caption 4: Screenshot of the Gene Lookup interface.


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